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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Buy lotro gold:Top Ten Contest

Top Ten Contest

Race: Elves


    The Ents of old, many having surrendered to their stupor -- albeit a handful remain. Those that pushed on, traveled far beyond the ancient forests to find their mates, and thus gave rise to the transformation of elves into Entish-folk


    Short in statue and young by the mind of trees, these elven sapplings are flamboyant and quick witted. Against the advice of their flock, the Entish rely on their ability to manipulate the natural world against their foes.


  • The Entish draw great morale and power from places of natural beauty (Forests, streams, etc)
  • Able to weld the natural elements surrounding them (chunks of earth, torrents of water, searing wind, canopy dwelling creatures, you get the drift =P)
  • Increased Fate, increased critical damage modifier against goblins and orcs.


  • Reduced Strength and Fire resistance.
  • Unable to manipulate elements not in line of sight.
  • Increased threat from goblins and orcs.


  • Swift Meld: Able to swiftly move amongst the shroud of taller trees, your run speed is increased by 5%.
  • Natures Grace: Due to your keen ability to bend, you evade most incoming attacks while striking a counter attack in return. Lasts ten seconds.
  • Burning Rage: Against all the odds, you channel a stream of fire towards your enemies. Plus 112 light damage, while every second for eight seconds you receive 32 damage.
  • Searing Wind: Able to call upon the ancestral winds, you focus a torrent of air in the path of your target. Plus 52 Damage, 15% reduced run speed.

Fellowship Skills:

  • Entish Horn: Slightly improved threat if a guardian is present, Vitality and Fate for all fellows, while reducing run speed and armour by 5%
  • Howling Challange: Ability to render the ground with a vast network of roots, pinning up to two targets for forty seconds and draining their power (Channeled)

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