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Sunday, November 26, 2006

[RuneScape] Player-Owned House Costume Room

Learn from & Buy RuneScape money from RuneScape Money

Posted on 18 October 2006

Do you love to collect different outfits for your character but have trouble finding room for them all in your bank? Is your local banker buried under a heap of lederhosen and frog masks? Your problems are solved!
From now on, if you have level 42 Construction, you can add a costume room to your house. Chests, wardrobes and cape racks in this room can be used to store many of the ensembles you can acquire around RuneScape, including:

Treasure trail reward costumes
Random event reward costumes
Minigame reward costumes (such as Castle Wars armour)
Quest reward costumes (such as Temple Knight armour)
Recent holiday event rewards - you will find that the room automatically stores any holiday event reward you are entitled to!
Plus, of course, the new Capes of Achievement!
Naturally, bigger, higher quality pieces of furniture in this room can store more stuff.

Please consult the Knowledge Base article for the complete list of storable costumes.


In other news...

As always, we've been working hard behind the scenes to fix glitches in the game. This week, among many other minor bugfixes, watch out for the following changes:

Higher-level slayers may be pleased to hear that Duradel, the Slayer Master of Shilo Village, has finally restored Nechryael to his list of assignments.
Giant rats, bats and bears have had their models and animations upgraded.
Ever since the update to the combat interfaces, your attack style would be reset to Accurate mode if you switched weapons to a magic staff. This will no longer happen unless there is no appropriate attack style available on the staff to match your previous mode.

All news from runescape official site.

[RuneScape] Capes of Achievement... and Goats!

Learn from & Buy RuneScape money from RuneScape Money

Posted on 18 October 2006

Are you one of the hottest firemakers? Craftier than a clockwork cat? Bit of a wiz at wizardry? Try out our new Capes of Achievement today!
Experts across RuneScape are now selling these stylish new additions to your wardrobe... but watch out! Only players who have reached level 99 of a specific skill or completed all of the quests will have the right to wear the latest in-game fashion and gain access to a funky new emote to show off their new cape!

Each cape comes with a matching hood, and if you've mastered more than one skill, a trimmed model will highlight your talent. So whatever skills your achievements lie in, you can show off your dedication with these elite new items. For those of you who still wonder about reaching level 100 ... there's a sneaky boost to your stat on each cape, temporarily giving you the effects of that unattainable century!

To find out where you can buy one, wander over to the Knowledge Base article.


This week also sees the release of a tough, new breed of animals. Herds of Desert Goats can now be found wandering around the Kharidian - um - Desert. Now there's a surprise!

Intrepid explorers who go hunting for these bleating beasts will find that they can collect goat horns, which, when powdered and mixed with Harralander, can make a new Combat potion. This magical (level 36) elixir combines the properties of a basic Attack Potion and Strength potion, so it's a handy addition to your inventory when heading into difficult combat situations.

Warning: Goats and the desert effect can be bad for your health!

All news from runescape official site.

[RuneScape] Players' Gallery and Wallpapers

Learn from & Buy RuneScape money from RuneScape Money

Posted on 11 October 2006

For the past two months Postie Pete has been struggling to our gates with sackfuls of your fantastic artwork. Sculptures, paintings and etchings have been flooding in at a rate that has made even Pete sweat. He has collected together some of those that made him go "oooh", "aaah" or even made him chuckle a little. These fantastic creations are now available for viewing within the Players' Gallery.

The high-standard of work has made us want to return the favour, so we have cleaned our brushes, paid Aggie for a few vials of dye and made some of our own. So, available for download to your desktop, are six sparkling wallpapers for your viewing pleasure.

Will you dare go eyeballs to eyeball with the dreaded 'penance healers', who posed for this wallpaper between training for one of next year's updates, Barbarian Assault? Will you choose to marvel at the revised look of the rats, bears and elementals with our concept art? Or will you be sipping at a Blurberry Special in the gnome restaurant? The choice is yours.

In other news...

The far-flung areas of RuneScape have allowed our writers in to explore for another batch of Area Guides. We have been mapping the dungeons, tasting the cuisine and chatting to various characters to give a comprehensive guide of what to expect in such treacherous areas as Waterbirth Island, the Falador Mole Lair and the Cave Goblin Mines.

Following the teleportation jewellery changes of last week, we have made another clutch of items usable while they are worn. The following can now be used with a simple right-click on the item and choosing the Operate option: the blessed silver sickle, the progress hat from the Mage Training Area, Prayer books, the Amulet of Catspeak, rubber chickens and the Nature Amulet.

There has also been a slight name change to the magic staff reward received from the White Knights. It is now called a 'white magic staff'.

All news from RuneScape official site