runescape rule 6-Account Sharing/trading
Each account should only be used by ONE person. Account sharing is NOT allowed. You may not sell, transfer or lend your account to anyone else, or permit anyone else to use your account, and you may not accept an account that anybody else offers you. Related Questions Below are some related questions which may help you to further understand and follow this rule. Why do we have this rule? We have this rule for two reasons. Firstly, many of the accounts people try to sell are actually accounts they have stolen, so, by buying the account you are helping them profit from their crime, and encouraging them to do it more! Secondly, this rule is for your protection, as people who share accounts run the risk that the person using the account won't give it back, or that the person will break a game rule causing your account to be banned. What about swapping my account with another player? This is considered account trading, so it is not allowed under the game rules. Can I sell the 'time' I have put into the account? No. Under the game rules each account should only be used by one person. This applies throughout the lifetime of that account. In order to sell the 'time' you have put into an account, you would have to transfer or lend the account to someone else, thereby breaking the game rules. My 'brother/sister/friend/other' borrowed my account and broke a rule and now it's banned: Please can you unban it? Account sharing is not allowed, so if you break this rule and do so anyway you will be responsible for the consequences. The offence won't be removed because you shouldn't
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